On 16 July 2022 new Law on the Capital Market bylaws come into force. The Commission adopted the bylaws at its 22 and 23 session of the tenth term of office held on 30 June and 5 July 2022. The bylaws were published in the Official Gazette of RS No 77, on 8 July 2022. The rulebooks will be applied as of the day of application of the new Law on the Capital Market (Official Gazette of RS, No 129/21), that is 6 January 2023.
Examination period for brokers, investment advisers and portfolio managers
The Securities Commission will hold examinations for candidates for obtaining the title of a broker, investment adviser and portfolio manager, in the first week of October. Applications to take an exam will commence today and will be accepted until 25 September 2022.
Workshop on risk assessment and application of regulations on money laundering and terrorism financing
From 22 until 24 June 2022, a presentation of Guidlenines on money laundering and terrorism financing risk assessment and application of the law on prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing for entities supervised by the Securities Commission, in Vršac.