The Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering has published three new reports aimed at enhancing knowledge in the public and private sectors in the fight against terrorist financing and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. These publications represent a significant contribution to a better understanding of the risks and threats arising from these activities and provide important guidelines for the application of legal provisions in this area.
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The Securities Commission informs that it has approved the publication of the white paper for the initial offering of 28,301 Treesury Tokens, issued by Treesury d.o.o. Belgrade, with a nominal value of 106 EUR in dinar equivalent, based on the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the day of the token sale, in accordance with the Digital Assets Act ("RS Official Gazette", No. 153/2020). The funds raised through this initial offering, as outlined in the White Paper, are intended to be used by the issuer of the Treesury Tokens for investment purposes—specifically, to establish a modern hazelnut plantation of the highest quality variety, using a proven hazelnut cultivation methodology.
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