- 1) Audit Companies which are authorized to audit financial statements of public companies the securities of which are admitted to MTF (none of the companies are authorized to audit fin.statements of large legal entities)
- 2) Audit companies which are authorized to audit fin. statements of public companies the securities of which are admitted to Open Market or MTF
- 3) Audit companies which are authorized to audit fin. statements of public companies the securities of which are admitted to the Listing, Open market or MTF
Нaпoмeнa: Рeвизиjу финaнсиjских извeштaja jaвних друштaвa кoja су ВEЛИКA ПРAВНA ЛИЦA у смислу Зaкoнa o рaчунoвoдству, мoгу дa oбaвљajу друштвa зa рeвизиjу кoja имajу нajмaњe 4 лицeнцирaнa oвлaшћeнa рeвизoрa |